Trusting the Enemy: Confidence in the state among ex-combatants
War-torn societies are often racked with generalized distrust, both among citizens and between citizens and the state. Even long after conflict ends, former combatants who […]
Gender-Differential Effects of Conflict on Education: The Case of the 1981-1993 Punjab Insurgency
Prakarsh Singh, Olga Shemyakina,
This study explores the long-run effect of the 1981-1993 Punjab Insurgency on the educational attainment of adults who were between ages 6-16 years at the […]
Evaluating programmes in conflict-affected areas
Carlos Bozzoli, Tilman Brück, Nina Wald,
We provide an overview over the concepts, pitfalls and challenges involved in conducting scientifically sound impact evaluations and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in conflict-affected and […]
The Impact of Conflict on Education Attainment and Enrollment in Colombia: lessons from recent IDPs
Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere, Kate Wharton
Forty years of low-intensity internal armed conflict have made Colombia home to over 3 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), the world’s largest population. The effect […]
What explains why certain individuals participate in episodes of collective violence and others not? Differential selection into riots, communal violence, and ethnic massacres has often […]
The last few years have witnessed an important shift in international policy focus to a growing consensus that development and poverty reduction efforts cannot be […]
Micro-level dynamics of conflict, violence and development: A new analytical framework
Patricia Justino, Tilman Brück, Philip Verwimp,
Violent conflict is arguably one of the most important challenges facing the world today. The incidence of international and civil wars has decreased in recent […]
The Economic Consequences of Forced Displacement
Currently, nearly 44 million people around the world are forcibly displaced. This displacement is due to a number of factors, including weather shocks in New […]
This paper attempts to examine the broad theoretical and empirical literature on how poor households respond to shocks to their incomes and livelihoods brought upon […]
Nathan Fiala, Chris Blattman, Sebastián Martínez
Can cash transfers promote employment and reduce poverty in rural Africa? Will lower youth unemployment and poverty reduce the risk of social instability? We experimentally […]
Conflict is either caused by, or brings about, drastic changes in the underlying social relationships between members of a community involved in the conflict. The […]
Institutions, Mobilization and Rebellion in Post-Colonial Societies
Jean-Pierre Tranchant, Jean-Louis Arcand
We revisit the simultaneous equations model of rebellion, mobilization, grievances and repression proposed by Gurr and Moore (1997). Our main contribution is to clarify and […]
Violent conflict affects the lives, livelihoods and health of almost 1.5 billion people in the world (World Bank 2011). The number of armed conflicts has […]
Quantifying the Impact of Women’s Participation in Post-Conflict Economic Recovery
Patricia Justino, Cathérine Müller, Ivan Cardona Rebecca Mitchell
Recent research has started to shed light on some of the complex mechanisms associated with the outbreak of conflict, including the emergence of violent collective […]
The labour market impact of mobility restrictions: Evidence from the West Bank
Massimiliano Calì, Sami Miaari,
Using data on Israeli closure in the Palestinian West Bank, we provide new evidence on the labour market effects of conflict-induced restrictions to mobility. We […]
Violent Conflict and Gender Inequality: An Overview
Philip Verwimp, Mayra Buvinic Monica Das Gupta Ursula Casabonne
Violent conflict, a pervasive feature of the recent global landscape, has lasting impacts on human capital, and these impacts are seldom gender neutral. Death and […]
Chris Blattman, Alexandra Hartman Robert Blair
How to promote local order and property rights under weak rule of law? States commonly use education campaigns to influence citizen behavior and, ultimately, change […]
Naxalite Insurgency and the Economic Benefits of a Unique Robust Security Response
Saurabh Singhal, Rahul Nilakantan
Using the synthetic control method of analysis, we provide the first measurements of the direct economic benefits of a unique robust security response to an […]
Households amidst urban riots: The economic consequences of civil violence in India
Jaideep Gupte, Patricia Justino, Jean-Pierre Tranchant,
The objective of this paper is to uncover the determinants of riot victimization in India. The analysis is based on a unique survey collected by […]
Shared Societies and Armed Conflicts: Costs, Inequality and the Benefits of Peace
This chapter examines how the relationship between economic exclusion, inequality, conflict and violence shape the goal of establishing shared societies. The chapter discusses how this […]