Working Papers


Institutions, Mobilization and Rebellion in Post-Colonial Societies

Jean-Pierre Tranchant,  Jean-Louis Arcand

We revisit the simultaneous equations model of rebellion, mobilization, grievances and repression proposed by Gurr and Moore (1997). Our main contribution is to clarify and […]


Nutrition, Governance and Violence: A Framework for the Analysis of Resilience and Vulnerability to Food Insecurity in Contexts of Violent Conflict

Patricia Justino, 

Violent conflict affects the lives, livelihoods and health of almost 1.5 billion people in the world (World Bank 2011). The number of armed conflicts has […]


Quantifying the Impact of Women’s Participation in Post-Conflict Economic Recovery

Patricia Justino,  Cathérine Müller,  Ivan Cardona Rebecca Mitchell

Recent research has started to shed light on some of the complex mechanisms associated with the outbreak of conflict, including the emergence of violent collective […]


The labour market impact of mobility restrictions: Evidence from the West Bank

Massimiliano Calì,  Sami Miaari, 

Using data on Israeli closure in the Palestinian West Bank, we provide new evidence on the labour market effects of conflict-induced restrictions to mobility. We […]


Violent Conflict and Gender Inequality: An Overview

Philip Verwimp,  Mayra Buvinic Monica Das Gupta Ursula Casabonne

Violent conflict, a pervasive feature of the recent global landscape, has lasting impacts on human capital, and these impacts are seldom gender neutral. Death and […]


Building institutions at the micro-level: Results from a field experiment in property dispute and conflict resolution

Chris Blattman,  Alexandra Hartman Robert Blair

How to promote local order and property rights under weak rule of law? States commonly use education campaigns to influence citizen behavior and, ultimately, change […]


Naxalite Insurgency and the Economic Benefits of a Unique Robust Security Response

Saurabh Singhal,  Rahul Nilakantan

Using the synthetic control method of analysis, we provide the first measurements of the direct economic benefits of a unique robust security response to an […]


Households amidst urban riots: The economic consequences of civil violence in India

Jaideep Gupte,  Patricia Justino,  Jean-Pierre Tranchant, 

The objective of this paper is to uncover the determinants of riot victimization in India. The analysis is based on a unique survey collected by […]


Shared Societies and Armed Conflicts: Costs, Inequality and the Benefits of Peace

Patricia Justino, 

This chapter examines how the relationship between economic exclusion, inequality, conflict and violence shape the goal of establishing shared societies. The chapter discusses how this […]


Warfare, Political Identities, and Displacement in Spain and Colombia

Laia Balcells,  Abbey Steele, 

This paper explores the causes of displacement during civil wars. Recent scholarship has shown that conventional civil wars – those in which forces are relatively balanced – and irregular […]


Returning Home after Civil War: Food security, nutrition and poverty among Burundese households

Philip Verwimp,  Juan Carlos Muñoz-Mora

Civil wars often force people to leave their homes. Displaced populations run higher risk in terms of disease, hunger and death, something that is well-documented. […]


The Agency and Governance of Urban Battlefields: How Riots Alter our Understanding of Adequate Urban Living

Jaideep Gupte, 

For the first time in close to 100 years, India reports higher population growth in its urbanised areas than across its vast rural landscape. However, […]


Living Within Conflicts: Risk of Violence and Livelihood Portfolios

Marc Rockmore, 

This paper provides a comprehensive view of household responses to insecurity by examining chances along the extensive and intensive margins of livelihoods during a conflict. […]


Estimating the Causal Effects of War on Education in Côte D’Ivoire

Saumik Paul,  Andrew L. Dabalen

In this paper we estimate the causal effects of civil war on years of education in the context of a school-going age cohort who are […]


Armed Conflict and Children’s Health – Exploring new directions: The case of Kashmir

Anton Parlow, 

The exposure to violence in utero and early in life has adverse impacts on children’s age-adjusted height (z-scores). Using the experience of the Kashmir insurgency, […]


Causes of Civil War: Micro Level Evidence from Côte D’Ivoire

Saumik Paul,  Andrew L. Dabalen Ephraim Kebede

A multiethnic country like Côte d’Ivoire, which was relatively stable until the late 1980s, has been mired in crisis in the last two decades and […]


Mental Health and Labour Supply: Evidence from Mexico’s Ongoing Violent Conflicts

Maren Michaelsen, 

In Mexico, conflicts between drug-trafficking organisations result in a high number of deaths and immense suffering among both victims and non-victims every year. Little scientific […]


Quantifying The Microeconomic Effects of War: How Much Can Panel Data Help?

Margarita Pivovarova,  Eik Leong Swee, 

The extensive coverage of household surveys in conflict regions in recent decades has fueled a growing literature on the microeconomic effects of war. Most researchers […]


Armed Conflict, Household Victimization, and Child Health in Côte D’Ivoire

Olga Shemyakina,  Camelia Minoiu

We examine the effect of the 2002-2007 civil conflict in Côte d’Ivoire on children’s health status using household surveys collected before, during, and after the […]


War, Health, and Educational Attainment: A Panel of Children during Burundi’s Civil War

Tom Bundervoet, 

This article examines the impact of war-induced ill early childhood health on educational attainment in early adolescence. Using data on a small panel of children […]