Working Papers


The War on Illegal Drug Production and Trafficking: An Economic Evaluation of Plan Colombia

This paper provides a thorough economic evaluation of the anti-drug policies implemented in Colombia between 2000 and 2006 under the so-called Plan Colombia. The paper […]


The Struggle for Palestinian Hearts and Minds: Violence and Public Opinion in the Second Intifada

Sami Miaari,  David A. Jaeger Esteban F. Klor M. Daniele Paserman

This paper examines how violence in the Second Intifada influences Palestinian public opinion. Using public opinion poll micro data linked to data on fatalities, we […]


Rivalry and Revenge: Making Sense of Violence against Civilians in Conventional Civil Wars

Laia Balcells, 

Recent research on violence against civilians during wars has emphasized war- related factors over political ones. For example, factors such as control of territory or […]


Votes and Violence: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Nigeria

Following the wave of democratization during the 1990s, elections are now common in low-income societies. However, these elections are frequently flawed. We investigate the Nigerian […]


Unbundling Institutions at the Micro Level: Conflict, Institutions and Income in Burundi

Maarten Voors,  Erwin H. Bulte

We use a new dataset from Burundi to analyze the role of local institutions as determinants of income, distinguishing between three distinct dimensions of the […]


Consumption Growth, Household Splits and Civil War

Philip Verwimp,  Tom Bundervoet, 

We analyse the effect of civil war on household welfare. Using Burundian panel data for the 1998-2007 period in which we re-interviewed original as well […]


Armed Conflict and Schooling: Evidence from the 1994 Rwandan Genocide

Richard Akresh,  Damien de Walque, 

To examine the impact of Rwanda’s 1994 genocide on children’s schooling, the authors combine two cross-sectional household surveys collected before and after the genocide. The […]


Poverty and Violent Conflict: A Micro-Level Perspective on the Causes and Duration of Warfare

Patricia Justino, 

This paper argues that endogenous mechanisms linking processes of violent conflict and household poverty provide valuable micro foundations to the ongoing debate on the causes […]


Conflict displacement and labor market outcomes in post-war Bosnia & Herzegovina

Florence Kondylis, 

The 1992/95 war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) drove about 1.3 Million people into displacement (UNHCR). This study uses a longitudinal data source to document […]


Does Indiscriminate Violence Incite Insurgent Attacks? Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Jason Lyall, 

Does a state’s use of indiscriminate violence incite insurgent attacks? Nearly all existing theories and empirical studies conclude that such actions only fuel insurgencies by […]


Explaining the Violence Pattern of the Algerian Civil

Roman Hagelstein, 

I draw a geographically and temporally disaggregated model of the location and course of the Algerian civil war, using new battle event and location data […]


From Violence to Voting: War and political participation in Uganda

Chris Blattman, 

What is the political legacy of violent conflict? This paper presents evidence for a link between war, violence and increased individual political participation and leadership […]


Does inequality make us rebel? A revisited theoretical model applied to South Mexico

Jean-Francois Maystadt, 

Since Collier and Hoeffler (1998, 2004), it has been supported that inequality, measured at national level, does not affect the risk of conflict. Such a […]


Reputation, Group Structure and Social Tensions

Dominic Rohner, 

Social tensions impede social cohesion and public goods provision. They can also be a driving force for more serious conflicts such as civil wars. Surprisingly, […]


The formality in property rights: determinant in the military strategy of armed actors

Andrea Velásquez, 

The causes of internal conflicts are not easy to identify, and in order to understand its dynamics it is important to determine the factors that […]


Borders of everyday life: Congolese young people’s political identification in contexts of conflict-induced displacement

Christina Clark-Kazak, 

Ethnicity and citizenship issues have been among the contributing causes of conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) over the past decades. These identity […]


The Links between Violence and Institutional Change in Hila, Eastern Indonesia

Jeroen Adam, 

From 1999 until 2002, the island of Ambon in Eastern Indonesia was the site of a high-intensity conflict between Muslims and Christians. Apart from a […]


The Opec Boys and the political economy of smuggling in northern Uganda

Els Lecoutere,  Kristof Titeca, 

In this article, we unearth the institution for enforcement of the agreement between the Opec Boys, fuel smugglers and ex-rebels, and a politician, who allows […]


Containing ethnic conflicts through ethical voting? Evidence from Ethiopia

Marie-Anne Valfort, 

In an ethnically polarized country, does aversion towards inter-ethnic inequity induce citizens to vote for a party promoting an equitable allocation of national resources among […]


Reducing intergroup prejudice and conflict with the media. A field experiment in Rwanda

Elizabeth Levy Paluck, 

Can the media reduce intergroup prejudice and conflict? Despite the high stakes of this question, understanding of the mass media’s role in shaping prejudiced beliefs, […]