Working Papers


Hunger Games: Food Security and Strategic Preemptive Conflict

Ore Koren, 

A growing number of studies draw linkages between violent conflict and food scarcities. Yet, evidence suggests that at the subnational level conflict is likely to […]


Food, Drought and Conflict Evidence from a Case Study on Somalia

Astrid Sneyers, 

This paper aims at disentangling the mutual link between conflict, drought and food security in Somalia. The analysis is conducted using various indicators for food […]


Minorities, Human Capital and Long-Run Development: Persistence of Armenian and Greek Influence in Turkey

Cemal Eren Arbatli,  Gunes Gokmen

We study the long-term economic legacy of highly-skilled minorities a century after their wholesale expulsion. Using mass expulsions of Armenian and Greek communities of the […]


Security, Trade, and Political Violence

Michele Di Maio,  Francesco Amodio Leonardo Baccini

To address security concerns, governments often implement trade barriers and restrictions on the movement of goods and people. These restrictions have negative economic consequences, possibly […]


The Reach of Radio: Ending Civil Conflict through Rebel Demobilization

Joseph Flavian Gomes,  Alex Armand Paul Atwell

This paper examines the role of FM radio in mitigating and ending violent conflict. We collect original data on radio broadcasts encouraging defections during the […]


Conflict in Ethiopia: The Impact of Precipitation and Its Transmission Mechanism

Negar Habibi, 

In this paper we examine the impact of precipitation variations on the probability of conflict in Ethiopia using subnational data at 0.5×0.5 decimal degrees resolution […]


Childhood aspirations, occupational outcomes and exposure to violence: Evidence from Burundi

Philip Verwimp,  Lionel Jeusette

Recent evidence points at the importance of childhood aspirations for our understanding of poverty and development. But how are these affected by the exposure to […]


Migration, Forced Displacement and Fertility during Civil War: A Survival Analysis

Philip Verwimp,  Davide Osti Gudrun Østby

The civil war in Burundi (1993-2005) caused a mass flow of refugees into neighboring countries as well as a large number of internally dis- placed […]


Agricultural Production Amid Conflict: Separating the Effects of Conflict into Shocks and Uncertainty

Ana María Ibáñez,  María Alejandra Arias Andrés Zambrano

This paper examines the effect of conflict on agricultural production of small farmers. First, an inter-temporal model of agricultural production is developed in which the […]


We Don’t Need No Education: Reconstruction and Conflict across Afghanistan

Travers Barclay Child, 

Field interviews conducted by the author in Afghanistan suggest current theories linking conflict to development do not adequately account for ideological drivers of resistance. We […]


A Model of Protests, Revolution, and Information

A revolt or protest succeeds only if sufficient people participate. We study how potential participants’ ability to coordinate is affected by their information. We distinguish […]


The Economic Origins of Conflict in Africa

Eoin F. McGuirk,  Marshall Burke

We study the impact of plausibly exogenous global food price shocks on local violence across the African continent. In food-producing areas, higher food prices reduce […]


Communal violence in the Horn of Africa following the 1998 El Niño

Stijn van Weezel, 

This study exploits a shift in Spring precipitation patterns in the Horn of Africa following the 1998 El Niño to examine the effect of climate […]


Short term effects of drought on communal conflict in Nigeria

Stijn van Weezel, 

Despite the surge in quantitative research examining the link between climate variability and conflict, a lot of uncertainty exists concerning whether there is a link. […]


An Empirical Exploration of the Near-Term and Persistent Effects of Conflict on Risk Preferences

Marc Rockmore,  Christopher B. Barrett Jeannie Annan

A burgeoning empirical literature on the effects of conflict on various economic behavioral parameters exhibits mixed results, with respect to both the magnitude and the […]


Detailed Geographic Information, Conflict Exposure, and Health Impacts

Richard Akresh,  German Daniel Caruso Harsha Thirumurthy

We estimate the impact of exposure to conflict on health outcomes using geographic information on households’ distance from conflict sites — a more accurate measure […]


Resilience to Violent Extremism: The Rural Livelihood Coping Strategies in the Lake Chad Basin

Ernest Ogbozor, 

This paper is an analysis of the effects of violent extremism and the rural livelihoods strategies for coping with threats from Boko Haram in the […]


Extending a Lifeline or Cutting Losses? Conflict and Household Receipts of Remittances in Pakistan

Yashodhan Ghorpade, 

I examine the causal effects of long-term exposure to conflict, measured at the micro level, onhouseholds’ receipt of remittances. Using IV estimation to overcome the […]


Determinants of former combatants’ attitudes toward transitional justice

Sarah Zukerman Daly, 

The transitional justice literature has made important advances in understanding the determinants of transitional justice and citizens’ views of this form of justice. However, the […]


Conflict and Poverty in Afghanistan’s Transition

Despite record economic growth for more than a decade, poverty has remained stubbornly high in Afghanistan, especially in the regions that suffered less from conflict. […]