Working Papers


Carrot or stick? Redistributive transfers versus policing in contexts of civil unrest

Patricia Justino, 

Recurrent episodes of civil unrest significantly reduce the potential for economic growth and poverty reduction. Yet the economics literature offers little understanding of what triggers […]


Civil Conflict and Displacement: Village-Level Determinants of Forced Migration in Aceh

The purpose of this paper is to identify the determinants of displacement behavior based on various push and pull factors at the village level. The […]


Rationality as a Barrier to Peace: Micro-evidence from Kosovo

Despite a significant expansion of the literature on conflicts and fragility of states, only a few systematic attempts have been made to link the theoretical […]


Social Capital and the Rwandan Genocide A Micro-Level Analysis

Philip Verwimp,  Shanley Pinchotti

This paper applies the theory of social capital to the unfolding of genocide in a Rwandan community located 50 km south of the capital. Using […]


Massive Civilian Displacement in Civil War: Assessing Variation in Colombia

Abbey Steele, 

The displacement of civilians is a frequent, yet understudied, outcome of armed groups’ and civilians’ behavior during civil wars. In particular, I find that displacement […]


Agricultural Outputs and Conflict Displacement: Evidence from a Policy Intervention in Rwanda

Florence Kondylis, 

In 1997 Rwanda introduced a re-settlement policy for refugees displaced during previous conflicts. We exploit geographic variation in the speed of implementation of this policy […]


Remittances in Fragile Settings: a Somali Case Study

Anna Lindley, 

Literature on conflict has largely overlooked migrants’ remittances, and literature on migrant’s remittances has largely avoided conflict settings. Using a micro- level approach, this paper […]


Who Joins Ethnic Militias? A Survey of the Oodua People’s Congress in South western Nigeria

Yvan Guichaoua, 

The economic analysis of conflicts assigns a crucial role to the rebellion making process. However, the existing literature on this issue often rests on unsatisfactory […]


The Human Capital Cost of Landmine Contamination in Cambodia

Ouarda Merrouche, 

The International Campaign to Ban Landmines production and use estimates that there are more than 80 billion landmines in the ground in more than 80 […]


Livestock, Activity Choices and Conflict: Evidence from Burundi

Tom Bundervoet, 

Standard economic risk theory postulates that in the absence of credit markets, wealthier households will engage in higher-risk, higher profit activities to generate income while […]


The Impact of Intra-State Conflict on Economic Welfare and Consumption Smoothing: Empirical Evidence for the Displaced Population in Colombia

Ana María Ibáñez,  Andrés Moya

Intra-state conflicts and forced displacement impose a heavy burden upon the civil population, and produce severe welfare losses. Using a household level data administered to […]


The Consequences of Child Soldiering

Chris Blattman,  Jeannie Annan

Civil conflicts have afflicted a third of all nations and two thirds of Africa since 1991. In many cases, up to a third of male […]


When is Democracy an Equilibrium?: Theory and Evidence from Colombia’s La Violencia

Ragnar Torvik,  Mario Chacón James A. Robinson

The conventional wisdom in political science is that for a democracy to be consolidated, all groups must have a chance to attain power. If they […]


Estimating Poverty in Burundi

Tom Bundervoet, 

In this paper, we evaluate absolute consumption poverty and inequality in rural and urban Burundi after more than 5 years of civil war. Using the […]


Civil War, Crop Failure, and the Health Status of Young Children

Richard Akresh,  Philip Verwimp, 

Economic shocks at birth have lasting impacts on children’s health several years after the shock. We calculate height for age z-scores for children under age […]


On the Links between Violent Conflict and Chronic Poverty: How Much Do We Really Know?

Patricia Justino, 

A large proportion of the world population is affected by widespread violence and instability. The majority lives in poor countries in Africa, Asia and Latin […]


Resource Scarcity Induced Conflict and its Management: Implication for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in Eastern Ethiopia

Ayalneh Bogale, 

Land is considered the most fundamental resource to the poor and is essential to generate income, accumulate wealth and transfer it between generations, and enabling […]


Poverty Dynamics, Violent Conflict and Convergence in Rwanda

Patricia Justino,  Philip Verwimp, 

Civil war and genocide in the 1990-2000 period in Rwanda – a small, landlocked, densely populated country in Central Africa – have had differential economic […]


Counting the Deaths in Darfur: Estimating mortality from multiple survey data

Debarati Guha-Sapir,  Olivier Degomme

The exact number of deaths in the Darfur region due to the conflict will probably never be known. However, most certainly, it is far too […]


Conflict, Decentralisation and Local Governance in Colombia, 1974-2004

Fabio Sánchez,  María del Mar Palau

The Colombian armed conflict is one of the oldest in the world; it is only superseded in time by the Israeli-Palestinian and India-Pakistan conflicts, and […]