Working Papers


Weather Shocks, Sweet Potatoes and Peasant Revolts in Historical China

Ruixue Jia, 

Does production technology adoption affect conflict? This paper studies this question with yearly historical data on weather, peasant revolts and the diffusion of sweet potatoes […]


Sovereign Risk and Armed Conflict: An Event-study for Colombia

Juan F. Vargas,  Andrés Castañeda

We study the relationship between some of the most important recent events of the Colombian armed conflict and the foreign perception of sovereign risk, as […]


The Persistent Colombian Conflict: Subnational Analysis of the Duration of Violence

Juan F. Vargas, 

The growing empirical literature on the analysis of civil war has recently included the study of conflict duration at the cross-country level. This paper presents, […]


Who Does What in a Household after Genocide? Evidence from Rwanda

Kati Schindler, 

This paper investigates the determinants of intra-household time allocation in post-war Rwanda. A decade after the 1994 genocide, Rwanda still bears the demographic impact of […]


Wars and Child Health: Evidence from the Eritrean-Ethiopian Conflict

Richard Akresh,  Leonardo Lucchetti Harsha Thirumurthy

This is the first paper using household survey data from two countries involved in an international war (Eritrea and Ethiopia) to measure the conflict’s impact […]


Conflict Experiences and Expectations on Recovery: Survey Evidence from Northern Uganda

Carlos Bozzoli,  Tilman Brück,  Tony Muhumuza, 

We analyse the role of mass violent conflict in influencing individual expectations. We hypothesise that individuals are likely to report negative expectations if they were […]


Perceptions, Expectations, and Entrepreneurship: The Role of Extreme Events

Tilman Brück,  Fernanda Llussá José Tavares

We provide, for the first time, comparative evidence of the impact of various types of extreme events – natural disasters, terrorism, and violent conflicts – […]


Conflict, Ideology and Foreign Aid

Adama Bah,  Jean-Louis Arcand Julien Labonne

In this paper, we present a rent-seeking model of conflict, which highlights the role of ideology in determining whether the government or the rebels take […]


Weapons, Violence and Personal Security in Cape Town

Kai Thaler, 

Given the high levels of crime and violence in South Africa, there may be a temptation for citizens to arm themselves for protection. Using quantitative […]


Empowering IDP with SMS: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Bogotá

Juan F. Vargas,  Mariana Blanco

We carried out a randomized controlled trial in Bogotá, the recipient of Colombia’s highest number of internally displaced people (IDP), to assess whether the use […]


Remittances and Labor Supply in Post-Conflict Tajikistan

Patricia Justino,  Olga Shemyakina, 

This paper analyzes the impact of remittances on the labor supply of men and women in post-conflict Tajikistan. We find that on average men and […]


Self-Employment and Conflict in Colombia

Carlos Bozzoli,  Tilman Brück,  Nina Wald, 

Many Colombians are confronted with the ongoing conflict which influences their decision making in everyday life, including their behaviour on labour markets. This study focuses […]


War and Poverty

Patricia Justino, 

The main objective of this paper is to systematically identify potential channels of transmission linking civil war and poverty that may lead to the persistence […]


Natural Resource Distribution and Multiple Forms of Civil War

Dominic Rohner,  Massimo Morelli

We examine how natural resource location, rent sharing and fighting capacities of different groups matter for ethnic conflict. A new type of bargaining failure due […]


Identifying Conflict and Violence in Micro-Level Surveys

Tilman Brück,  Patricia Justino,  Philip Verwimp,  Alexandra Avdeenko

The overall goal of the report is to increase the capacity of researchers and policy makers to identify comparatively, and across time, how individuals, households […]


Strategic Mass Killings

Dominic Rohner,  Joan Esteban Massimo Morelli

Since World War II there have been about fifty episodes of large-scale mass killings of civilians and massive forced displacements. They were usually meticulously planned […]


Violent Conflict and Inequality

Tilman Brück,  Cagatay Bircan Marc Vothknecht

This paper analyzes the distributive impacts of violent conflicts, which is in contrast to previous literature that has focused on the other direction. We use […]


Ethnic Conflict and Job Seperations

Sami Miaari,  Asaf Zussman Noam Zussman

We study the effect of the second Intifada, a violent conflict between Israel and its Palestinian neighbors which erupted in September 2000, and the ensuing […]


A Phoenix in Flames? Portfolio Choice and Violence in Civil War in Rural Burundi

Eleonora Nillesen,  Philip Verwimp, 

This paper challenges the idea that farmers revert to subsistence farming when confronted with violence from civil war. While there is an emerging macroeconomic consensus […]


Conflict, Economic Shock and Child Labour in Palestine

Michele Di Maio,  Tushar K. Nandi

This paper studies the impact of Palestine-Israel conflict on child labour in Palestine. The conflict has resulted in massive job loss of Palestinian workers in […]