Working Papers


Conflict Exposure and Economic Welfare in Nigeria

Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere,  John Chiwuzulum Odozi

Several papers have attempted to estimate and document the impact of conflict on several education, health and socioeconomic outcomes. One lesson from the past research […]


Third-party Diplomacy

Björn Gehrmann, 

Since the beginning of the Refugee Crisis in 2015, the political resolution of armed conflicts has gained in importance and urgency at the international level. […]


In and Out of the Unit: Social Ties and Insurgent Cohesion in Civil War

Anastasia Shesterinina, 

Studies of cohesion focus on pre-war networks of insurgency organizers and war-time socialization processes, but do not account for cohesion in civil wars involving spontaneous […]


The Human Capital Peace Dividend

Mounu Prem,  Juan F. Vargas,  Olga Namen

While the literature has documented negative effects of conflict on educational outcomes, there is surprisingly very little evidence on the effect of conflict termination on […]


Terrorism, education, and the role of perceptions: Evidence from al-Shabaab attacks in Kenya

This paper investigates how terrorism alters human capital investment through perceived uncertainty. Using various estimators, we identify a causal negative effect of terrorism on Kenyan […]


Artisanal or Industrial Conflict Minerals? Evidence from Eastern Congo

Nik Stoop,  Marijke Verpoorten,  Peter van der Windt, 

Existing research suggests a strong link between mining and local conflict but makes no distinction between artisanal and industrial mining. We exploit variation in mineral […]


The Long-Run and Gender-Equalizing Impacts of School Access: Evidence from the First Indochina War

Very few studies currently exist on the long-term impacts of schooling policies in developing countries. This paper examines the impacts—half a century later—of a mass […]


Estimation of Poverty in Somalia Using Innovative Methodologies

Somalia is highly data-deprived, leaving policy makers to operate in a statistical vacuum. To overcome this challenge, the World Bank implemented wave 2 of the […]


Estimating Poverty in a Fragile Context – The High Frequency Survey in South Sudan

The High Frequency South Sudan Survey, implemented by the South Sudan National Bureau of Statistics in collaboration with the World Bank, conducted several waves of […]


Education and Conflict Evidence from a Policy Experiment in Indonesia

Dominic Rohner,  Alessandro Saia

This paper studies the impact of school construction on the likelihood of conflict, drawing on a policy experiment in Indonesia, and collecting our own novel […]


Youth Employability and Peacebuilding in Post-conflict Côte d’Ivoire: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial

This paper investigates the impact of alternative economic opportunities for the youth in consolidating positive peace. Using data from randomized control trial from a cash-for-work […]


The Impact of Forced Displacement on Host Communities: A Review of the Empirical Literature in Economics

The paper reviews 54 empirical studies that estimated the impact of forced displacement on host communities. A review of the empirical models used by these […]


The Local Impact of Armed Conflict on Children’s Nutrition and Health Outcomes: Evidence from Chad

Soazic Elise Wang Sonne,  Armand Mboutchouang Kountchou, Gadom Djal Gadom

This study examines the local and indirect impacts of the 2005-2010 armed conflict on under- five years’ old children’s nutrition and health outcomes in Chad. […]


Good Intentions Gone Bad? The Dodd-Frank Act and Conflict in Africa’s Great Lakes Region

Jeffrey R. Bloem, 

The Dodd-Frank Act imposes reporting requirements on US companies regarding supply chain links to conflict minerals. Previous research uses within-DRC variation in the location of […]


The Origins of Violence in Rwanda

Leander Heldring, 

This paper shows that the intensity of violence in Rwanda’s recent past can be traced back to the initial establishment of its precolonial state. Villages […]


The Geography of Dictatorship and Support for Democracy

Mounu Prem,  María Angélica Bautista Felipe González Luis R. Martínez Pablo Muñoz

We study whether exposure to the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in Chile (1973-1990) affected political attitudes and behavior, exploiting the plausibly exogenous location of […]


Can Jobs Programs Build Peace?

Tilman Brück,  Neil Ferguson,  Wolfgang Stojetz,  Valeria Izzi

In the last decade, well over $10bn has been spent on interventions that aim to build peace and social stability through employment. Despite this degree […]


Violent Repression as a Commitment Problem: Urbanization, Food Shortages, and Civilian Killings under Authoritarian Regimes

Ore Koren,  Bumba Mukherjee

Authoritarian regimes frequently commit systematic killings of their own subjects, yet the mechanisms governing this behavioral shift remain unclear. We address this puzzle by developing […]


The Effect of Parental Job Loss on Child School Dropout: Evidence from the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Michele Di Maio,  Roberto Nisticò, 

We study the effect of parental job loss on child school dropout in developing countries. We focus on Palestinian households living in the Occupied Palestinian […]


Agricultural abandonment and re-cultivation during and after the Chechen Wars in the northern Caucasus

Armed conflicts are globally widespread and can strongly influence societies and the environment. However, where and how armed conflicts affect agricultural land-use is not well-understood. […]