Working Papers


Introducing the Sudan Labor Market Panel Survey 2022

Caroline Krafft,  Ragui Assaad, Ruby Cheung

This paper describes the new Sudan Labor Market Panel Survey (SLMPS) 2022, the first nationally representative survey in Sudan in almost a decade. The paper […]


The Power of Dialogue: Forced Displacement and Social Integration amid an Islamist Insurgency in Mozambique

Henrique Pita Barros, 

With global forced displacement at an unprecedented level, there is an increasing demand for low-cost interventions that can reduce tension between displaced persons and host […]


Violent Conflict and Parochial Trust: Lab-in-the-Field and Survey Evidence

Ahmed Skali,  Katharina Werner

How does conflict exposure affect trust? We hypothesize that direct (firsthand) experience with conflict induces parochialism: trust towards out-groups worsens, but trust towards in-groups, owing […]


The bombing of hospitals and local violence dynamics in civil wars: Evidence from Syria

Regine Schwab,  Werner Krause, Samer Massoud

The impact of civilian harm on strategic outcomes in war has been the subject of persistent debate. However, the literature has primarily focused on civilian […]


Civilian Harm and Military Legitimacy in War

Mara Revkin,  Benjamin Krick, Jonathan Petkun

The legitimacy of armed forces in the eyes of civilians is increasingly recognized as crucial not only for battlefield effectiveness but also for conflict resolution […]


Violent Conflicts and Educational Outcomes: The LRA Insurgency in Northern Uganda Revisited

Douglas Kazibwe, 

I investigate the consequences of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) insurgency  on the educational outcomes of individuals in Northern Uganda. I employ an identification strategy […]


What does the population in Niger think about a military government?

Daniel Tuki, 

Using the Round 9 Afrobarometer survey data collected in the Republic of Niger in 2022, this study examined the attitudes of Nigeriens toward military rule […]


Changes in fertility rates and desires in the wake of the homicide surge in Mexico

Maria Gargiulo,  Ginevra Floridi, José Manuel Aburto

Since 2006, Mexico has experienced a surge in homicide violence due to national policies and international influences on drug trafficking activities. While the effects of […]


Fear to Vote: Explosions, Salience, and Elections

Juan F. Vargas,  Mounu Prem,  Miguel E. Purroy, Felipe Coy, Sergio Perilla

Criminal groups use violence strategically to manipulate the behavior of victims and bystanders. At the same time, violence is a stimulus that causes fear, which […]


You’re not welcome! Violence and support for a grazing ban policy in Kaduna, Nigeria

Daniel Tuki, 

This study examined the effect of victimization – i.e., the concrete experience of violence – on support for a policy banning the opening grazing of […]


Violent instability and modern contraception: Evidence from Mali

Orsola Torrisi, 

This study examines the consequences of armed violence on sexual and reproductive health in Mali, a country where modern contraceptive use (MCU) is low and […]


Violent conflict and hostility towards ethno-religious outgroups in Nigeria

Daniel Tuki, 

This study examined the effect of exposure to violent conflict on hostility towards ethnic and religious outgroups among Nigeria’s population and among its two major […]


The “weight” of territorial issues: Evidence from Catalonia, Scotland, and Northern Ireland

Lesley-Ann Daniels,  Laia Balcells, Alexander Kuo

Territorial debates complicate the politics of the affected regions, as parties must decide whether to compete on a territorial dimension alongside others, such as redistribution, […]


Making sense of multi-level and multi-actor governance of recovery in Ukraine

Oksana Udovyk,  Ievgen Kylymnyk, Daniel Cuesta-Delgado, Guillermo Palau Salvador

The article sheds light on the complex recovery governance in Ukraine by providing a snapshot of the evolving national recovery actors’ networks and examining it […]


Under God’s protective wings: Does exposure to violent conflict make Nigerians value God more?

Daniel Tuki, 

This study examines the effect of exposure to violent conflict on the importance that Nigerians attach to God in their lives. The regression results show […]


No, Punitive House Demolition Does Not Reduce Suicide Bombing: Revisiting Evidence from the Second Intifada.

Belal Fallah, 

This research revisits the work of Benmelech et al (2015) that shows punitive house demolition reduced suicide bombings during the Second Intifada and cite deterrence […]


Is there a religious dimension to concern about farmer-herder conflicts in Nigeria?

Daniel Tuki, 

Although many studies have been conducted on the conflicts between Fulani nomadic herders and sedentary farmers over land and water resources in Nigeria, very few […]


Exposure to collective gender-based violence causes intimate partner violence

Wolfgang Stojetz,  Tilman Brück, 

Globally, one in three women experience intimate partner violence (IPV) over their lifetimes. Yet, the factors that cause men to commit IPV remain poorly understood. […]


Coping with Compounding Challenges in Conflict Crises: Evidence from North-east Nigeria

Wolfgang Stojetz,  Tilman Brück, 

This paper analyzes how the intersectionality of gender, forced displacement, and collective violence shapes coping behaviors in conflict crises, paying particular attention to household composition […]


How to conduct impact evaluations in humanitarian and conflict settings

Aysegül Kayaoglu,  Ghassan Baliki,  Dorothee Weiffen,  Tilman Brück,  Melodie Al Daccache, 

Methodological, ethical and practical challenges make it difficult to use experimental and rigorous quasi-experimental approaches to conduct impact evaluations in humanitarian emergencies and conflict settings […]