As of 2022, Sudan was home to 1.1 million refugees and 3.7 million internally displaced persons
(IDPs), along with a substantial population that had previously experienced displacement. The
Sudan Labor Market Panel Survey (SLMPS) 2022 over-sampled locations hosting the displaced
in order to facilitate research on refugees and IDPs. This paper investigates the geographic
distribution of the displaced, their demographics, their labor market and socioeconomic status
and outcomes, and their education, health, food security outcomes. It also reviews their
experiences of shocks, their coping strategies, and the types of social assistance they receive.
Important distinctions are made between current and returned IDPs and refugees and their
outcomes are compared to those of Sudanese who were never displaced. Analyses also explore
differences by location of residence (in host communities and camps), by sex, and across
different age groups.