Working Papers


The Onset, Spread, and Prevention of Mass Atrocities: Perspectives from Network Models

Charles Anderton,  Jurgen Brauer, 

History is replete with cases of intentional, systematic, and substantial destruction of noncombant civilians by powerful elites including dictatorial and nondictatorial governments and nonstate groups […]


The impact of low-skill refugees on youth education

Semih Tumen, 

This paper examines the impact of Syrian refugees on high school enrollment rates of native youth in Turkey. Syrian refugees are, on average, less skilled […]


Armed Conflict and Child Labor: Evidence from Iraq

This paper examines the relationship between armed conflict intensity and child labor using household level data from Iraq and taking advantage of a quasi-experimental setup. […]


How Does Poverty Differ Among Refugees? Taking a Gender Lens to the Data on Syrian Refugees in Jordan

Data collected for refugee registration and to target humanitarian assistance include information about household composition and demographics that can be used to identify gender- based […]


The Microeconomics of Violent Conflict

Philip Verwimp,  Patricia Justino,  Tilman Brück, 

In our brief review, we take stock of the emergence, in the last decade, of the “microeconomics of violent conflict” as a new subfield of […]


The Cost of Fear: Impact of Violence Risk on Child Health During Conflict

Augustin Tapsoba, 

The impact of violence on child health has long-lasting consequences that increase the overall cost of conflict. Beyond the damage caused to direct victims of […]


Violent Conflict, Transport Costs, and Poverty: An instrumental variables approach with geospatial data for Nigeria

Philip Verwimp,  Federico Barra Claudia Berg

The nexus of conflict, transportation costs, and poverty is one which has received scant attention in the literature. This paper explores the effect of conflict […]


Determinants and Dynamics of Forced Migration to Europe: Evidence from a 3-D Model of Flows and Stocks

Tilman Brück,  Neil Ferguson,  Eleonora Nillesen,  Kai M. Dunker Aline Meysonnat

Abstract: Violent conflict is a well-recogniseddriver of forced migration but literature does not usually consider the pull factors that might also cause irregular movements. In […]


A Dynamic Theory of Secession

Dominic Rohner,  Joan Esteban Sabine Flamand Massimo Morelli

This paper builds a dynamic theory of secessions, conflictual or peaceful, analyzing the forward looking interaction between groups in a country. The proposed framework allows […]


Assets for Alimentation? The Nutritional Impact of Assets-Based Programming in Niger

Tilman Brück,  Neil Ferguson,  Oscar Mauricio Díaz Botía J. Ouédraogoc Z. Ziegelhöfer

A recent strand of aid programming aims to develop household assets by removing the stresses associated with meeting basic nutritional needs. In this paper, we […]


Oil Price Shocks and Civil Conflict: Evidence from Nigeria

Arinze Nwokolo, 

This paper studies the effect of international oil prices on civil conflict in Nigeria. Our analysis uses time variation in global oil prices and cross-sectional […]


Unemployment and Violent Extremism: Evidence from Daesh Foreign Recruits

Transnational terrorist organizations such as the Islamic State group (also known as ISIS/ISIL or Daesh) have shown an ability to attract radicalized individuals from many […]


Resources, Conflict, and Economic Development in Africa

Achyuta Adhvaryu,  James Fenske Gaurav Khanna Anant Nyshadham

Evidence suggests that natural resources drive both conflict and underdevelopment in modern Africa. We show that this relationship exists primarily when neighboring regions are resource- […]


Cohesive Institutions and Political Violence

Thiemo Fetzer,  Stephan Kyburz

Can institutionalized transfers of resource rents be a source of civil conflict? Are cohesive institutions better in managing distributive conflicts? We study these questions exploiting […]


Early life shocks and mental health: The long-term effect of war in Vietnam

Saurabh Singhal, 

This paper provides causal evidence on early-life exposure to war on mental health status in adulthood. Using an instrumental variable strategy, the evidence indicates that […]


The effects of violent conflict on household resilience and food security: Evidence from the 2014 Gaza conflict

Tilman Brück,  Marco d’Errico Rebecca Pietrelli

This paper studies how conflict affects household resilience capacity and food security, drawing on panel data collected from households in Palestine before and after the […]


Analyzing the Impact of Dodd Frank Mining Legislation on Sexual Violence in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Proponents of ‘conflict mineral’ legislation, known as Dodd Frank Section 1502, describe sexual violence as a symptom of a conflict caused by access to and […]


Givers of great dinners know few enemies: The impact of household food sufficiency and food sharing on low intensity interhousehold and community conflict in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Naureen Fatema,  Shahriar Kibriya

Our study establishes a linkage between household level food sufficiency and food sharing with the reduction of low intensity micro level conflict using primary data […]


Resistance is Futile? Institutional and Geographic Factors in China’s Great Leap Famine

Elizabeth Gooch, 

I present evidence that China’s state capacity was an important determinant of famine mortality during China’s Great Famine (1959-61). I hypothesize that variation arising from […]


Fueling Conflict? (De)Escalation and Bilateral Aid

Sarah Langlotz,  Richard Bluhm Martin Gassebner Paul Schaudt

This paper studies the effects of bilateral foreign aid on conflict escalation and deescalation. First, we develop a new ordinal measure capturing the two-sided and […]