Working Papers


Unemployment and Violent Extremism: Evidence from Daesh Foreign Recruits

Transnational terrorist organizations such as the Islamic State group (also known as ISIS/ISIL or Daesh) have shown an ability to attract radicalized individuals from many […]


Resources, Conflict, and Economic Development in Africa

Achyuta Adhvaryu,  James Fenske Gaurav Khanna Anant Nyshadham

Evidence suggests that natural resources drive both conflict and underdevelopment in modern Africa. We show that this relationship exists primarily when neighboring regions are resource- […]


Cohesive Institutions and Political Violence

Thiemo Fetzer,  Stephan Kyburz

Can institutionalized transfers of resource rents be a source of civil conflict? Are cohesive institutions better in managing distributive conflicts? We study these questions exploiting […]


Early life shocks and mental health: The long-term effect of war in Vietnam

Saurabh Singhal, 

This paper provides causal evidence on early-life exposure to war on mental health status in adulthood. Using an instrumental variable strategy, the evidence indicates that […]


The effects of violent conflict on household resilience and food security: Evidence from the 2014 Gaza conflict

Tilman Brück,  Marco d’Errico Rebecca Pietrelli

This paper studies how conflict affects household resilience capacity and food security, drawing on panel data collected from households in Palestine before and after the […]


Analyzing the Impact of Dodd Frank Mining Legislation on Sexual Violence in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Proponents of ‘conflict mineral’ legislation, known as Dodd Frank Section 1502, describe sexual violence as a symptom of a conflict caused by access to and […]


Givers of great dinners know few enemies: The impact of household food sufficiency and food sharing on low intensity interhousehold and community conflict in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Naureen Fatema,  Shahriar Kibriya

Our study establishes a linkage between household level food sufficiency and food sharing with the reduction of low intensity micro level conflict using primary data […]


Resistance is Futile? Institutional and Geographic Factors in China’s Great Leap Famine

Elizabeth Gooch, 

I present evidence that China’s state capacity was an important determinant of famine mortality during China’s Great Famine (1959-61). I hypothesize that variation arising from […]


Fueling Conflict? (De)Escalation and Bilateral Aid

Sarah Langlotz,  Richard Bluhm Martin Gassebner Paul Schaudt

This paper studies the effects of bilateral foreign aid on conflict escalation and deescalation. First, we develop a new ordinal measure capturing the two-sided and […]


Social Structure and Conflict: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

We test the long-standing hypothesis that ethnic groups that are organized around `segmentary lineages’ are more prone to conflict and civil war. Ethnographic accounts suggest […]


On the Legacies of Wartime Governance

Patricia Justino,  Wolfgang Stojetz, 

In conflict zones around the world, both state and non-state actors deliver governance at local levels. This paper explores the long-term impact of individual exposure […]


Violence, Psychological Stress and Educational Performance during the “War on Drugs” in Mexico

Maren Michaelsen,  Paola Salardi, 

We provide evidence that violence in Mexico related to the “war on drugs” from 2006-2011 had a significant negative impact on educational performance that is […]


Legislating during war: Conflict and politics in Colombia

Juan S. Morales, 

This paper studies how legislators and their constituents respond to political violence using data from Twitter and roll-call votes, and employing both event study and […]


Micro-Foundations of Fragility: Concepts, Measurement and Application

Ghassan Baliki,  Tilman Brück,  Neil Ferguson,  Sindu W. Kebede

We explore the micro-foundations of fragility by discussing how to measure the exposure to fragility at the individual level. We focus on two notions that […]


Governance Interventions in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Countries

Patricia Justino, 

This paper examines the effect of conflict on agricultural production of small farmers. First, an inter-temporal model of agricultural production is developed in which the […]


War and Social Attitudes: Revisiting Consensus Views

Travers Barclay Child,  Elena Nikolova

We study the long-run effects of conflict on social attitudes, with World War II in Central and Eastern Europe as our setting. Much of earlier […]


Food Security, Peacebuilding and Gender Equality: Conceptual Framework and Future Directions

Patricia Justino, 

The main objective of this study is to generate knowledge and evidence-based, meaningful, and actionable recommendations to governments and other stakeholders, particularly international organizations and […]


Welfare Spending and Political Conflict

Patricia Justino,  Bruno Martorano

We study an age-old question in political economy: does government spending on welfare ensure peace? This question was at the heart of the European Welfare […]


Domestic Violence and Childhood Exposure to Armed Conflict: Attitudes and Experiences

Giulia La Mattina,  Olga Shemyakina, 

We examine the effect of exposure to armed conflict in childhood and youth on women and men’s attitudes toward domestic violence in Sub-Saharan Africa. More […]


First and Second Generation Impacts of the Biafran War

Richard Akresh,  Marinella Leone,  Sonia Bhalotra Una Osili

We analyze long-term impacts of the 1967-1970 Nigerian Civil War, providing the first evidence of intergenerational impacts. Women exposed to the war in their growing […]