Maren Michaelsen

HiCN Working Papers Series


Violence, Psychological Stress and Educational Performance during the “War on Drugs” in Mexico

Maren Michaelsen,  Paola Salardi, 

We provide evidence that violence in Mexico related to the “war on drugs” from 2006-2011 had a significant negative impact on educational performance that is […]


The Legacy of Conflict: Regional Deprivation and School Performance in Northern Ireland

Neil Ferguson,  Maren Michaelsen, 

The relationship between deprivation and educational outcomes has been the subject of a long-running and deep debate in the economic literature. Recent discussions have focused […]


Mental Health and Labour Supply: Evidence from Mexico’s Ongoing Violent Conflicts

Maren Michaelsen, 

In Mexico, conflicts between drug-trafficking organisations result in a high number of deaths and immense suffering among both victims and non-victims every year. Little scientific […]