HiCN Working Papers Series


Inverted “U” of fear: The paradox of conflict exposure and expected victimization in Kaduna, Nigeria

Daniel Tuki, 

Using novel survey data collected from the Northern Nigerian state of Kaduna, this study examines the effect of exposure to violent conflict on people’s expectation […]


Gender and migration aspirations in Nigeria: A comparative study of the states of Edo and Kaduna

Daniel Tuki, 

This study examined the effect of gender on migration aspirations in the states of Kaduna and Edo, which are in Nigeria’s Northern and Southern Regions […]


Suffering and smiling: What determines happiness among Nigerians?

Daniel Tuki, 

Using the Wave 7 World Values Survey (WVS) dataset, this study examined the determinants of happiness among Nigerians with a focus on exposure to violent […]


What does the population in Niger think about a military government?

Daniel Tuki, 

Using the Round 9 Afrobarometer survey data collected in the Republic of Niger in 2022, this study examined the attitudes of Nigeriens toward military rule […]


You’re not welcome! Violence and support for a grazing ban policy in Kaduna, Nigeria

Daniel Tuki, 

This study examined the effect of victimization – i.e., the concrete experience of violence – on support for a policy banning the opening grazing of […]


Violent conflict and hostility towards ethno-religious outgroups in Nigeria

Daniel Tuki, 

This study examined the effect of exposure to violent conflict on hostility towards ethnic and religious outgroups among Nigeria’s population and among its two major […]


Under God’s protective wings: Does exposure to violent conflict make Nigerians value God more?

Daniel Tuki, 

This study examines the effect of exposure to violent conflict on the importance that Nigerians attach to God in their lives. The regression results show […]


Is there a religious dimension to concern about farmer-herder conflicts in Nigeria?

Daniel Tuki, 

Although many studies have been conducted on the conflicts between Fulani nomadic herders and sedentary farmers over land and water resources in Nigeria, very few […]


Undead Past: What Drives Support for the Secessionist Goal of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) in Nigeria?

Daniel Tuki, 

Although the secessionist conflict in Nigeria’s Eastern Region has persisted for over two decades and become increasingly violent, no study has, to the best of […]


The Effect of Violent Conflict on the Socioeconomic Condition of Households in Nigeria: The Case of Kaduna State

Daniel Tuki, 

The incidence and intensity of violent conflict in Nigeria have been rising steadily since 2016. However, the states across the country are not equally affected. […]