3rd Summer school of the Households in Conflict Network: Impact Evaluation in Conflict-Affected Countries in Bujumbura, July 20-27 , 2014


In academia as well as among international organisations, NGOs and consultancy companies, the evaluation of the impact of peace, security, humanitarian and development programs in countries affected by violent conflict is high on the agenda. Scientists have developed sophisticated methods to design robust evaluations and attribute causality to the programs. At the same time, local partners, NGOs and research firms have gained first-hand practical experience and are building capacity to implement and execute such evaluations.

This summer school takes stock of these recent developments and brings together academic experts with field-based organisations, staff of international organisations and NGOs as well consultancy companies with first-hand experience in countries such as South Sudan, Rwanda, Somalia, Kenya, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Participants will have ample opportunity to discuss their own projects and experiences with the lecturers and will gain first-hand knowledge on the different approaches to randomisation, mixed methods, research ethics, implementation, data quality, relations with donors and the management of survey teams. Classes will be a mix of lectures, case studies and practical exercises.

The summer school is organised by the Households in Conflict Network. Professor Philip Verwimp has put the program together and is the course leader.

The fee for the summerschool is 1750 euro. This includes all the lectures and course material, the hotel from Sunday to Sunday, breakfast and lunch. Participants have to take care of their transport to Bujumbura. The organisors do not offer scholarships or discounts. Potential
participants are encouraged to apply for funding with their home university, organisation, as well look for other sources of funding.